Submitted by jsolka on 2010/06/29 08:26
First my little intro: my back-up haven't worked properly for a while, meaning that even if I chose my back-up files to be automatically deleted after 2 days, they never did. Timestamp is checked, autobackup is adjusted to 10 min, all other boxes are unchecked. I have all my IQ on USB stick.  It never bothered me that much, but today:
I had a problem with displaying HTML pane after showing a searched items as hoisted in the same grid. I hit repair, and it worked, but then I checked it again, and it didn't work. So I hit repair again, and after that my file got stuck. I closed the IQ, reopened but it was stuck, showing that it was "loading". I downloaded IQ again, and tried to open the file but I couldn't. Then I tried open my back up files and I could. Only not I noticed the last back-up file is from June 6th. So I really don't have any recent backup. BIG PROBLEM! BTW I transfered my files from USB stick to my desktop, but it didn't help. Please help.


3 options for you:
  1. With IQ running,
    1. close the current IQBase.
    2. Do Tools>>Database>>Compact.
    3. Select your file.
  2. With IQ running,
    1. close the current IQBase.
    2. Do Tools>>Options>>Program settings>>Modes and uncheck "Open last view on startup".
    3. Try to open you problematic IQBase.
    4. If it opens, try to open a simple grid.
  3. Send us the file by email (or a dropbox-type link for download)


2010/06/29 13:09

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

No success with the first too.
So I'd like to use option #3. Should I use ?
Really appreciate your help.
Take care,


2010/06/29 13:20

In reply to by jsolka

> Should I use ?
Yes, if the zipped file is less than10-15MB, otherwise, contact me and we'll arrange another method.