Submitted by Armando on 2010/07/08 12:58

the Notifications pane only shows info for
1- Columns (fields) headers
2- fields names in the properties pane
3- incompletely displayed cells content in the grids (if the cell shows all info, notification shows nothing -- at least, that's what I'm observing here).
4- text cells with carriage returns inside (shift-enter, actually)
2 possible enhancements :
1- IMO the notifications pane  should show cell details and field details all the time on "mouse over", whether the field content is displayed completely or not, or has carriage returns or not.

2- the grid info tooltips should also appear in the notification pane area  (and , why not, any other tooltip?)
[EDITED FOR BETTER CLARITY + added a few details.]


Mantis :
Update Issue1016 Notifications pane doesn't show info consistantly.  Bugaveragenew  2010-07-08 13:20Armando

Some of this is now fixed, I'll complete it this week


2010/07/19 17:37

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thanks. Really nice.