Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/07/24 15:14
Drag / drop between grids either moves <LEFT CLK> or copies <CTRL+LEFT CLK> item from one grid to another
Did I miss something or can't there be a <SHFT+LEFT CLK> or <ALT+LEFT CLK> to drag / drop the item as new (independent item) instead of going through copy xml, paste, etc. 


+ 1
Yes, this would be very useful.
I guess it would be copying selected items only, not subs... We have to be clear about that one.
This could create items containing Hyperlinks to the selected items.


Update Issue1032
Keyboard modif. + Drag & Drop to copy items OR create new items-hyperlink  New featurefeaturenew
 2010-07-26 13:11