The problem appears to be the name I gave to the grocery list: Grocery List (with a space in the name)
Apparently this creates the yes/no field "Grocery List". Sending a -1 to this field during the import does not set the field to the checked state, so it doesn't show up in Grocery List. I also had the "clever" idea of setting the default of "Grocery List" to -1, and then it got really weird. The field "Grocery List" then indeed was checked following import, but still not go into the Grocery List grid! Moreover, a field created with -1 as the default can be checked on/off, but will always behave as if "off".
The solution appears to be to give the name of the grid like "GroceryList". Then it imports as advertised.
Is there a rule against spaces in grid names? If so, then the example in the demonstration which creates "Shopping list" needs to be changed to "ShoppingList" or something.
Hmm, maybe I should post some of this to the bugs forum.
All I'm trying to do is import a grocery list, with a simple grocery item and a category.
I seem to be having the same problem as in this post:
Importing from Tab Delimited Document not working
However, I've tried it using both with comma delimiter and semicolon delimiter. In each case, the data looks great in the preview window. And in every case, the same thing happens: The yes/no field for the grid fails to stick. This means that everything that gets imported has no source. I can find the orphaned data in the scratch grid. I suppose I could go back through and set the grid for each item, but I'm trying to bring over nearly 300 items.
Is this a known problem?