Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2008/12/06 13:33
For some reason a test db became corrupt (most likely).  As a result the program got stuck "updating who status"; i.e. it never got out the process. Meanwhile I couldn't close the program normally, <ESC> wasn't an option. I removed & re-installed program & opened same db w same result.  Removed / re-installed program & opened a different db w/o problem.  This situation is a little scary for me imaging what if it had been a meaningful db that I could no longer access. Perhaps I could import it; didn't try that but seems to me that there should be some global override in the event this occurs again.


Why did you have to remove and reinstall the program ? I'm not sure I understand.
It's extremely rare that something happens to a database. You should send it to Pierre.


2008/12/06 20:38

In reply to by Armando

Forgot to mention that InfoQube generates some backup files, normally.
So you could also try to open the backups (the extension is *.sndk or variants around this -- sndka, sndk1, --  I believe).


2008/12/07 17:55

In reply to by Armando

Armando, I didn't have to remove / reinstall; I just thought it might have been a corrupt exe file. Once I did that & a few other tests, I realizedit was the db file.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2008/12/07 20:29

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

I see. :)
the fact that your db got "corrupt" is weird though. Mine goes through a lot of hardship... and nothing ever happened. (well... I had a problem once, but it was easily fixed by Pierre)