Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/10/20 13:47
Or......what is Pierre working on these days?


Hi Jan,
From email exchange last week, he's concentrating on the calendar (0.9.26), but I don't know how 0.9.25d fits in there, or whether there will be more 0.9.25 prereleases until starting the 0.9.26 prereleases. I thought I saw mention of 0.9.25e, but I can't find it.
I wonder if he has that ipod touch worn out yet from the syncing?



2010/10/20 20:45

In reply to by KeithB

I'm still working on v0.9.25D and there are a few issues to resolve. I'm also doing minor fixed to the Calendar at the same time. Work is progressing well on the Google  Calendar sync front too.
There may be a v0.9.25E or a v0.9.26PreRel, depending on how things progess.


2010/10/21 11:37

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thanks, Pierre.