Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/11/12 13:32
For example:
the data loses a line between items, thus making it very hard to read or causing user to add lines for easier digestion.
I'm guessing this has something to do w formatting i.e. line + <CR> etc
Does changing HTML Edit to <div> or <paragraph> make a difference here & if so, when would user select one over the other?
I selected all copy in HTML & selected <div> = no change
I selected all copy in HTML & selected <paragraph> = no change


Yes, there's a problem with the formatting here but I don't know what it is. Maybe Pierre knows.
Mantis ?


2010/11/16 00:22

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Hi Jan,
Thanks for putting the Mantis reference in the title!
I don't know if you noticed but we started to put an (M) at the end of the title when it's been Mantised though. Not the full ref. Why ? Simply because it's shorter... especially when there are many mantis refs in the same thread. :)
I'll add a note regarding this "protocol" (still somewhat unofficial) in the bug thread Bug reports section