It would be nice if we could use equations for computing individual field formatting (or at least color) rather than using the grid widget's conditional formats. Basically like what we can do at the item level now.
So instead of putting this in an field properties conditional formats
I would put this in a new ForeColor Equation in the in the field properties
=ComputeColor( [Item], [Priority])
Essentially you would be a row equation for each formatting option. This would allow us all the power of equations and functions and also make conditional formatting logic the same as the conditional formatting logic (only one set to describe).
If folks still wanted to do it inline, we could write a simple function that wraps a Case statement. Something like this:
=DoCase(PrinInt=1, "DarkRed", PriInt=2, "OrangeRed", PriInt=3, "DarkGreen")
PS, See [Can I] conditional formatting based on two fields? for related discussion.
IF(PriInt=1, ForeColor="DarkRed")
")IF(PriInt=2, ForeColor="OrangeRed")
IF(PriInt=3, ForeColor="DarkGreen")
IF(PriInt=4, ForeColor="DarkBlue
ForeColor =
ComputeColor( [Item], [Priority])