Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2011/10/28 13:11
When user adds color to item from more colors option, its value does not show up in field assignment(s)
This would be useful so user could use combination to automate coloring of specific fields to match first manual selection


>When user adds color to item from more colors option, its value does not show up in field assignment(s)
Humm.... it sure does show up in the Properties pane here.
>This would be useful so user could use combination to automate coloring of specific fields to match first manual selection
Do you mean when you use conditional formats ?


2011/11/07 08:42

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

>This would be useful so user could use combination to automate coloring of specific fields to match first manual selection
Do you mean when you use conditional formats ?
yes. thank you.