Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2012/03/21 16:23
Don't forget to scroll right to see entire view
See relevant Grid Properties here


 Hi Jan,
This is by-design. When hoisting, grid filter is disabled


2012/03/21 17:02

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 Thanks Pierre. When you get a moment, would you explain the logic of this to me? Also can I filter by column? Or any other way?


2012/03/21 17:06

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

 Filter by column should be possible. 
The reason is that Hoisting is already a type of filter. Adding an extra filter would cause confusion


2012/03/22 10:20

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Can you apply the filter, and then hoist??


2012/03/22 10:44

In reply to by Tom

Tom, that's the problem, exactly. 
I applied the filter which gave me results I wanted
but then
I realized I needed to hoist to focus some more & I lost my filter


2012/03/22 10:54

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

I'm trying hard, but I don't follow you...
Can you explain how hoisting made you lose your filter (filter on the source bar or column filter ?)
Best thing would be to start with the sample IQBase and walk me through what you want / need.
Thanks !


2012/03/22 11:24

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Pierre, if you are posting to me, you already told me it is by design. Now I'm confused.


2012/03/22 11:31

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Pierre, if you are posting to me, you already told me it is by design. Now I'm confused.
I uderstood that Pierre to say the filter doesnt work *after* you hoist.
But applying filter first should work - and worked for me as described below.


2012/03/22 11:22

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Tom, that's the problem, exactly. 
I applied the filter which gave me results I wanted
but then
I realized I needed to hoist to focus some more & I lost my filter
Just tested, worked fine here in the grid/filter combo that I tried. Was also able to hoist again to a lower level item without losing the filter...
EDIT/ in case I wasnt fully clear:
I applied filter
Applied Hoist to a selected item
Applied Hoist again to a sub-item item in the grid
I didnt lose the filter at any stage


2012/03/26 11:34

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

 Hi Jan,
This is by-design. When hoisting, grid filter is disabled
 Thanks Pierre. When you get a moment, would you explain the logic of this to me? Also can I filter by column? Or any other way?
 Filter by column should be possible. 
The reason is that Hoisting is already a type of filter. Adding an extra filter would cause confusion
I can't stand this behavior to point I avoid hoisting and create new grids instead (which is a pain in of itself). I personally absolutely want to filter after hoisting. Why would it be confusing?


2012/03/26 13:20

In reply to by reesd

I can't stand this behavior to point I avoid hoisting and create new grids instead (which is a pain in of itself). I personally absolutely want to filter after hoisting. Why would it be confusing?
When hoisted, using column filters doesn't work for you ? And if not, can you explain why ?


2012/03/27 09:21

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I can't stand this behavior to point I avoid hoisting and create new grids instead (which is a pain in of itself). I personally absolutely want to filter after hoisting. Why would it be confusing?
When hoisted, using column filters doesn't work for you ? And if not, can you explain why ?
I don't really use column filters much, instead I almost always use Source Bar Filters. They are all in a drop down so I can switch between them quickly (using them essentially as named filters) and I find them quicker to update and read than column filters.
PS, Ultimately I do think they should be combined as we discussed in