Submitted by reesd on 2012/05/23 11:06
Hi Armando,
You've mentioned a few times you use AutoHotKey with InfoQube. Could you give some basic info on how you are using it?
The few times I have tried to use it with IQ I have run into weird pasting problems. That said I would love to use it to create keyboard shortcuts for a few things like the following if folks have ideas on how to do it. Here are my thoughts so far.
change source filter (enter text in source filter)
I think is probably the easiest one since the textbox has a specific ClassNN (Edit2).
check a value in a particular column (like mark done)
enter value in a particular column (would use to set priority, category, etc)
These seem trickier since the grid control is opaque. My one idea is I could arrow to the right column then click space or enter the text. The problem is there is any context on what column we are in. If there was a keystroke that takes us to the first column then I could do it around that by doing something like <move to first column><arrow N right><enter text>. All this assuming the column order is fixed.


I manage projects with keywords put in the "project" field, and these keywords are taken care off with AHK, a scripting application/language.
Would love to see your AHK code for this also Armando :).


2012/06/05 15:34

In reply to by reesd

Hi Dave,
My usage of AHK for keywords, tags, etc. is very basic : text expansion, mostly.
The idea was just to use some centralized way of managing tags and project names to avoid typos and related problems.
I'll use patterns like :
;        Jeu
:oc:pju::tgsPat tgsPthée tgsPju
:oc:Pju::tgsPtral tgsPju
; encryption
    send, tgsPencn
    send, tgsPtece tgsPordr tgsPlogl tgsPsécé tgsPencn
    send, (projet pas défini) tgsPencn
OR even :
;        pratique
tagVerification("PRATIQUE", "tgsOprae",  "PRAXIQUE", "ooprae2")
(See the end of the post to see how that works.)
The returned words are tags I create. They seem cryptic because they follow the abcz abbreviation technique + 2 other prameters of my own :
- A tag descriptor (tgs), to further differentiate the abcz tag string from other strings found on my computer
- A "meta" tag descriptor to identify the type of tag. I have only 2 : P or O. P means anything that could be related to a project (most tags), and O means that the tag describes the actual "nature" of the object tagged.
So I end up with tags looking like : tgsPabcz OR tgsOabcz
I haven't seen anything similar on the web, and I quite like my system : it works well and have been using it for years now.
I'm not sure if I'm clear... sorry, I'm running out of time.
I use a few other AHK "functions" to check out the validity of a tag when I have a few similar tags and I could be making a syntactic or semantic mistake  :
tagVerification(subjectName1, tagString1,  subjectName2, hotString2, subjectName3="", hotString3="") {
    MsgBox, 4,, on parle de %subjectName1% ici ? (Yes or No)
    IfMsgBox Yes
        send, %tagString1%
        MsgBox, 4,, Ok... on parle de %subjectName2% ? (Yes or No)
        IfMsgBox Yes
             MsgBox, 0,, Ok... Tapper : %hotString2%
        else if (subjectName3 = "")
            MsgBox, 4,, Ok... on parle de %subjectName3% ? (Yes or No)
        IfMsgBox Yes
            MsgBox, 0,, Ok... Tapper : %hotString3%
            MsgBox, 0,, Bon... Je ne sais pas ce que tu veux.
I don't have the time to explain how this works... But you might be able to find out as it's not complicated. You'd basically use it like that to double check if a certain type of tag is really the one you're thinking of...:
;        pratique
tagVerification("PRATIQUE", "tgsOprae",  "PRAXIQUE", "ooprae2")
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