Picking a particular day in New Event dialog causes crash

Submitted by Airways on 2012/10/22 13:14
I have a database where picking a particular day causes a crash with this message:
Unhandled exception at 0x758AD3CF (KernelBase.dll) in InfoQube.exe: 0xC000008F: Floating-point inexact result (parameters: 0xDEADCAFE, 0xDEADCAFE).
Double clicking in the calendar view on this day to create a new event, OR selecting it from the New Event dialog's dropdown date picker causes the crash. My debugger only comes up when picking the date from the dropdown - when double clicking in the calendar view, the application simply closes without any error or chance for the debugger to catch it.


Some more information - this seems to happen on every Sunday that I choose, all of which are days on which I have no calendar Events currently. This doesn't seem to happen on any other days of the week. It also happens if I have the Calendar view open or not.
Finally, this does still happen with a new, blank IQ database - so it is not something specific to my DB.


2012/10/22 22:06

In reply to by Airways

Finally, this does still happen with a new, blank IQ database - so it is not something specific to my DB.
So it must be specific to your regional settings. Extra info required :
  1. Country
  2. Stock settings for the country or modified? If modified, please give the date and time formats used


2012/10/22 23:01

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 My region is "English (United states)." I have not customized the region settings at all. Sunday is the last day of the week, seems like some sort of 'off by 1' loop error perhaps?


2012/10/22 23:08

In reply to by Airways

 Oh, also Sunday is actually the first day of the week in the locale, although it shows as the last day in IQ (I don't really care which it is as long as it works :-P).

Hi Airways,
Thanks for reporting the issue. I was able to reproduce it and it is fixed. Available in v0.9.26Pre-Rel4 (soon)


2012/10/23 16:55

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Awesome! Glad to help. :)