Submitted by Jon on 2013/07/10 10:10
I know that this will not be able to be addressed because it does not happen often, nor can I identify antecedent commands that lead to this. There seem to be none. However this and other erratic problems intrude upon work flow in IQ and do not contribute to the perception that IQ is stable (this last thought is not from me, but from a colleague who experienced this problem  too but on her own created-from-scratch file).
1. Open my file.
2. Add a few items.
3. Use CTRL+2 to open children at level 2. This does nothing. Try other CTRL+Number combinations. None are working.
4. Re-start IQ.
5. Try again. CTRL+Number works fine now.
This has been on 10 and 11 and possibly other versions but I did not mention it. Now that I am using IQ for actual work, these glitches become more noticeable and more annoying.