Calendar "How To"

Submitted by Armando on 2014/02/10 11:24
Maybe this thread could be used to post tips, tricks, how-tos  etc. about the new calendar
This was copied from Pierre's post in the announcement for version 0.9.26 Pre-Rel 15 :
  • Click-drag to move around in the calendar
  • Select events and click-drag to move events
  • Shift-click-drag to create an event (or use right-click)
  • Double-click to create an event
  • Right-click to select normal or scrolling list display
  • Use mouse wheel to scroll the calendar when in scrolling list display
  • Click on the mini-calendar to select dates, weeks, months, multi-months
  • Shift-click on the mini-calendar to select a rectangular region of dates
I'm adding :
  • Ctrl + left click to select multiple events (can then be moved-dragged, etc.)