Submitted by Jon on 2014/07/04 18:41
Is this working right?
1. Select an item that has sub items. Note that I have tried this with the item expanded and collapsed.
2. Copy the selected item (not the second choice that copies the sub items too).
3. Paste the item as a link.
 I have two observations.
1. The pasted item does not appear until I manually refresh the grid. I thought that was a thing of the past. But worse, refreshing the grid collapses everything an I have to find where I was. Auto update is on.
2. The paste operation inserts the sub items too. If this is normal, why the second copy choice? (selected items and their sub items)


Is this working right?
1. Select an item that has sub items. Note that I have tried this with the item expanded and collapsed.
2. Copy the selected item (not the second choice that copies the sub items too).
3. Paste the item as a link.
 I have two observations.
1. The pasted item does not appear until I manually refresh the grid. I thought that was a thing of the past. But worse, refreshing the grid collapses everything an I have to find where I was. Auto update is on.
2. The paste operation inserts the sub items too. If this is normal, why the second copy choice? (selected items and their sub items)
2nd #1 : "The pasted item does not appear until I manually refresh the grid"  :  yes, it's a bug (it's in my list too - thanks for bringing it back to the forefront)
The 2 others aren,t bugs to me. Maybe slightly incoherent though ?
2nd #2 (a) (inserting subs too) : This is not a bug. If you link an item (Hierarchical/"parent-child" link) to another item, how coud it be otherwise ? It's the  same item but with an extra parent, so it would be strange that it would suddenly loose its children.
2nd #2 (b) (incoherence between the "copy item + subitems" option and the "paste as link" option) : IMO, you are right about that.
To fix that incoherence, maybe IQ shouldn't offer the  "paste as link" option when the user didn't copy the item + its subs (since "pasting as link" cannot/shouldn't erase children/subs...).  It should probably just offer to paste items as new items.
However, I must say I was never bothered by that "incoherence" as -- to me -- pasting as link has always implied... creating a new parent child relation, without erasing anything beneath.
There are 2 other smallish problems with these cut/copy/paste dialogs :
1- Ctrl+x only cuts the content of the currently selected cells when only one column is selected; but ctrl+c shows the copy dialog. IMO, ctrl+x should show the cut dialog, as does ctrl+c.
2- The cut dialog shouldn't be exactly the same as the erase dialog as this causes confusion -- in most user's mind, I'm sure cutting != erasing. At least, the dialog's title should be different, if not the wording of a few options too. (Note that I personally don't really care about these changes; I just think that IQ would be more user friendly it they were implemented)
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz