Submitted by Tom on 2014/08/20 06:02
Two related problems with clipping:

1) Select some comments/text from a YouTube video  e.g.
Copy contents to IQ (via context menu or the button).
No content gets copied; in the dialogue [Copy URL contents] is selected.**

2) Cancel out of the above dialogue.
Clip content from elsewhere, e.g. the TOC on the left.
The dialogue still has the title from the previous clipping attempt i.e. "3D Object..."

Can anyone else confirm this? (With any OS or browser)
** EDIT// this is not 100% reproducible - it just worked for me, and then didnt again. Note: I closed my clipboard extender as soon as I noticed the problem, in case that was the cause.

Firefox 31
Win7 x64
IQ Version 0.9.26Pre-Rel31 build 2014-08-08 16:38:22


Hi Tom,
This is a strange page... It is divided in 2 sections and allows 2 pieces of text to be selected (the first selected is greyed).
  1. If the top section has something selected, then you can select something in the second section and it will work.
  2. But if nothing is selected in the top section, nothing will be clipped.
Notice that the "Copy URL Content" checkbox is checked for case 1 above but not for case 2
This is the observed behavior.
IQ uses the document.selection property to determine whether the user wants to import a clip of the page or the full page. In this page, FF returns "" if nothing is selected in the top section. I don't know if this is correct or not, but it is what I'm seeing.
As a consequence, IQ thinks you want to import the whole page.
Any  suggestions ?
BTW, the universal clipper does not have this issue.


2014/08/20 17:18

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hi Pierre
I wouldn't worry about the webpage - I just copied and pasted the part I wanted.

But #2 in my post above is more serious, and probably should be fixed (if you dont save the failed clipping, close the dialogue, and then clip something else - the title in the dialogue is from the previous unsaved page)


2014/08/20 19:04

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I didn't look at this particular instance but I run into this problem pretty regularly using the Firefox Addon.  I select text, click on the toolbar icon, and the dialogue pops up but the text box is empty.  I've tried repeating the operation several times by re-selecting the text and starting over but it still comes up blank.  I finally end up just manually copy/pasting it into InfoQube.  I've encountered this at least a dozen times but didn't write it up because it wasn't to the point for being a big problem.  If you want, I can document it the next time it occurs in Firefox.
I wasn't aware of the "universal clipper" option so I'll try that the next time I have the problem.
Win 7, 64 bit Cyberpower Model 1, C Series (2011) 16 GB RAM
27" Samsung S27A350H, 24" ASUS VW242H  1920x1080


2014/08/21 03:41

In reply to by WayneK

Anyone using the universal clipper in Win8 (the default key Win+c is used by the system - anything else I've tried doesnt work) ?
[quote=WayneK]I wasn't aware of the "universal clipper" option so I'll try that the next time I have the problem.[/quote]
Re the failed clipping attempts -
I generally leave the dialogue box open - as the url and page title do get copied, then I copy desired text/images (they normally still selected) and paste them into the dialogue.


2014/08/21 14:26

In reply to by Tom

I haven't looked at the other problems mentioned  here, however the bug where selected text isn't automatically pasted in the HTML area of the "add item" dialog is an old one.
The work around I use is to first copy (Ctrl+C) the selection, before using the universal clipper.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2014/08/21 14:52

In reply to by Armando

[quote=Armando]The work around I use is to first copy (Ctrl+C) the selection, before using the universal clipper.
Windows 8.1[/quote]I see you're using it on 8.1 Armando - what hotkey are you using for the universal clipper?
I tried a few on 8.1 and couldnt get it to work -
the default one is used by that pesky sidebar I could never get rid of...


2014/08/21 15:50

In reply to by Tom

Hi Tom,
I use the somewhat "contortionistic" Alt+Shift+C.
If you really want to keep Win+C, you could assign whatever shortcut in IQ, and then bypass window's Win+C assignment with AHK.
; if you paste this in an AHK script, Win+C will trigger Alt+Shift+C
; Note : # = winkey. ^ = ctrl key. + = shift key. != Alt Key)
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz

In v0.9.26PreRel32:
  1. In the FireFox extension, added a context menu: Copy Selected Text. Works even in pages that contain frames
  2. Fixed