cursor location in grid Item field

Submitted by jimspoon on 2014/10/01 15:16
(1)  When I move the cursor to a the Item field in a grid, and press F2 to enter Edit Mode, it is often to append text to the existing item.  Therefore for me it would be better if the cursor would start off at the END of the Item Text rather than the beginning.
(2) When I have the cursor in the Item Text field in the grid, and move the cursor up or down to the previous/next item, it would be good if the cursor stayed in the same horizontal position, rather than jumping to the start of the Item Text.
(3) I tried clicking on the Item Text field in the grid - it appears to go into Edit Mode.  Then I tried clicking at the end of the text in the Item Text field.  The cursor is not activated.  I am unable to get a blinking cursor by clicking anywhere in the Item Text.  If I then press F2 to get into Edit Mode, it goes out of Edit Mode.  So I have to press F2 again to get it back in to Edit Mode.  Only then does the blinking cursor appear - at the start of the item.  Then I can click at the end of the text to position the blinking cursor there.  Is this a bug?  Shouldn't the first or second click in the Item Text produce a blinking cursor at the position of the click?  Without having to press F2 twice?


This behaviour is actually very useful. E.g. a- Press F2 when you want to be at the beginning of the text for whatever reason (it happens often here), b- OR just start typing to append directly at the end. If you want to paste at the end of the text, The trick is to press "space" while the focus is on the cell -- this will normally trigger edit mode -- than paste your stuff.
Of course that works with the normal edit mode, not the current WYSIWYG, which seems to be in preview stage anyway -- so a couple corners might be rough.
->2 Why not.
->3  this doesn't happen here. (WYSIWYG or normal mode.)
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2014/10/01 16:15

In reply to by Armando

Armando, thanks very much for that tip about pressing space to append text to the end of the Item Text.  As you say very good to have the option to do that, or press F2 to position the cursor at the start.
What behavior are you seeing when you click somewhere in the Item Text field?  Do you get a blinking cursor at the click location immediately on the first click, or do you get the cursor on the second click?


2014/10/02 00:51

In reply to by jimspoon

You're welcome!
>What behavior are you seeing when you click somewhere in the Item Text field?
The cursor starts blinking right away.
Maybe it has to do with the OS, or the graphic adapter, or... ?? I really wonder.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2014/10/02 16:31

In reply to by Armando

I've been trying different things to see if I can make the problem go away (e.g. to get a blinking cursor in the item Text field as soon as I click somewhere in the field, at the location of the click).
I was running prerel33 portable from an sd card in my laptop.
put the sd card in my desktop computer - ran prerel33 from sd card on my desktop.  same behavior.  A blinking cursor appears at the point of the click, but it disappears immediately.
copied the files from sd card to c: drive, ran prerel33 portable from c:\infoqube.  same behavior.
ran prerel33 portable from sd card again (on desktop), loaded a different sndb file.  same behavior.
so I don't know what I'd try next - maybe run the installed version of prerell33.  but I really prefer to run the portable version.


2014/10/02 16:34

In reply to by jimspoon

well, I just discovered something.
If I start typing where I clicked, the text will appear where I clicked.
It's just the blinking cursor that's missing.


2014/10/02 16:37

In reply to by jimspoon

and .... if I do type a few characters where I clicked (even though there is no blinking cursor), and then I click again somewhere in the same item text field - I get a blinking cursor.  Weird, but at least now I know how to deal with it.


2014/10/02 17:08

In reply to by jimspoon

Yeah, this was also a problem a while back.
What OS are you using?
this may help:
Good news !
I was able to reproduce the issue !!
It seems it is a font issue. The problematic grid uses the font Arial Unicode MS / 9.75 and on one machine (Win 7), this font was not installed and the issue was observed.
Try removing the font attribute (Grid > Properties > Other ). Close the grid and re-open
(oups... that parameter requires a grid close... I'll fix that !)[/quote]
Win.7 64bit  ~  IQ 0.9.26Pre-Rel32


2014/10/02 21:45

In reply to by Tom

Thanks for the suggestion Tom.  I tried it out, and tried out several different fonts and font sizes - can't make the problem go away.
Oddly enough - a few times the blinking cursor did not disappear - but I can't get that behavior consistently.
I'm running Winows 8.1 64-bit. 


2014/10/03 00:01

In reply to by jimspoon

 Is this a new issue ?
I not, do you know at which version it started ?


2014/10/03 15:26

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I hadn't noticed the problem before now, but that's because I usually use the keyboard to move between items and press F2 to go into Edit Mode.
But I do have a bunch of old IQ Portable versions (just hadn't deleted them yet from my downloads folder), so at random, I tried prerel27 - same problem.  Oddly enough, I seemed to get a cursor on the first click - but on the second click and thereafter - no cursor.
I just opened up Sample.sndb in prerel33 on my laptop - same problem.
Moved to my desktop.  Opened up sample.sndb in prerel33 and prerel31.  same problem.  cursor appears on very first click, then does not appear thereafter.


2014/10/03 15:34

In reply to by jimspoon

opened up sample.sndb on a different laptop, running prerel32 - same problem.

Just as a test, can you set the column to WYSIWYG editor and see if the issue is still present


2014/10/04 02:18

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

The issue goes away when I turn on WYSIWYG editor option.  With the first mouse click - the cursor appears at the start of the Item Text.  With the second click, the cursor goes to the location of the click.
Would be nice if the cursor appeared at the click location on the first click, but at least I'm getting a cursor now.  hooray!


2014/10/04 12:55

In reply to by jimspoon

Good news !
I'll compete the editor features in the next release
I'll also contact the grid supplier to try to track down this issue

A few questions regarding the disappearing cursor:
  1. Issue is for all text fields or just the items fields?
  2. Issue for non-text fields (number, dates) ?
  3. Issue with Shift-F2 (editor popup) ?
  4. Issue with the Property pane editing ?
Thanks !


2014/10/07 14:38

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hi Pierre - i have experimented with the sample.sndb file.
The disappearing cursor problem appears in text, number, and date field, but not if WYSIWYG editing is turned on.
The problem does not appear in the Shift+F2 popup or in the Properties pane.


2014/10/08 00:28

In reply to by jimspoon

This is what I expected with one exception...
  • The problem does not appear in the Properties pane...
This is unexpected as the Properties pane is using the same component as the grid. You can confirm that it is systematically OK in that pane ?
It could again be a font issue (see Missing cursor when editing items).
Could you also try to change the grid font to Arial, Times New Roman or Comic Sans MS ? This is done in Grid properties > Options
After making the change, the grid needs to be closed and re-opened.
If you're willing to help, I can also send you a sample app to help isolate the issue.
Many thanks !