Submitted by ethanrox on 2015/10/14 04:31
Hello guys,
first post. Sadly it is an issue :)) [English is not my first language]
I am currently using version Version 0.9.26Pre-Rel55.
I like having the Properties Pane docked to the left.
When I switch between items there is no "flicker" when the pane updates, so no trouble.
Short video for 0.9.26Pre-Rel55.
Currently testing the new functionality in 0.9.26Pre-Rel58 which I love besides ONE huge point for me as an adult with ADHD:
Switching between items I get very annoying flicker in the Properties pane when it updates.
Short video for 0.9.26Pre-Rel58 Portable.
Do you guys have the same issue?
Can it be caused by running the portable and not having installed the program?


Do you guys have the same issue?
Can it be caused by running the portable and not having installed the program?[/quote]
hi ethanrox,
I have the same issue here, in both portable and installed versions
(I see my portable version says #58, installed is #58a; both Win.7 x64)
Hopefully Pierre can easily sort it out.

I think that started when Pierre fixed the issue of the moving focus in the properties pane.
I admit that the current properties pane "flashing" (& pretty slowly on my computer + big DB) is very distracting.
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz

Fixed in v0.9.26PreRel59.
Thanks for reporting !


2015/10/14 17:17

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Fantastic! Thank you so much :)