Submitted by David_H on 2016/01/08 23:37
Since upgrading from 62 to 64 today I keep getting warnings popping up at random (when IQ is open) as shown in the attachment.  I'll even get them when I'm in another application not even doing anything in IQ.  I just unselected "always ask before opening this file", I think I already had, but I'll now see if it happens again.  Regardless any ideas on why it's happening at all Pierre?  To reiterate, I am NOT talking about when I launch IQ, I'm talking about when I am using it, or even when it's open and I am not using it.


Perhaps right click on infoqubeclipper.exe and in properties, click on unblock


2016/01/09 01:04

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Nope, it's definitely not blocked.  I'll watch and see if it happens again now that I deselected "always ask".