Submitted by gregory on 2016/01/28 01:45
Dramatic increase in the size of the principal IQBase:
Date                Size Mb
17/01/2016    41
18/01/2016    460
20/01/2016    1990

By my sizing:
2000 journal entries, each on average 250 words of 7.5 characters in length = 3,75 Mb
Actual journal size = 374535 words = 2.84 Mb (average word length = 7.5 characters)
This is blocking progress for me. I have input only about 15% of my journal entries and the database is close to the physical limit for a JET / Microsoft Access database. I dare not add more text for fear that the IQbase will "explode".
UPDATE: The reason the post was invisible was that I pasted direct from MS Word in the absence of the forum feature (removed, Pierre?) to paste Word text.
I have copied Word into NotePad to get this updated text.
Tom: Thanks for your suggestion. Compact has worked, brilliantly (IQbase now 12Mb, a 100-fold reduction. I had been trying Rebuild, which appeared to loop.


Did your post get lost Mark?
Did you try to compact?
menu: tools >database management >compact

Yes, you should compact regularly. There's an option in the options to do it automatically, but I just do it manually, once every 2-3 weeks.
Disclaimer: "Testing IQ with the most advanced/complicated IQBase in the world". I.e. slower than average.
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz


2016/01/28 16:43

In reply to by Armando

Thank you, Tom and Armando!
Mark GREGORY, Redon, France - GMT +1/+2; EST +6