I have two IQ files syncing though Dropbox between desktop and laptop
I've been working on laptop for the last couple of weeks. It is called 'Latitude'
The other machine (desktop) is not running
Today I came across this message when Alt-Tabbing through open software
- I dont know how long it is there [this probably my fault: been up to my eyeballs with everything and could have simply abandoned the opening of file because of confusion]
- I dont know which file it is referring to (I have been using mainly one, so I presume it's to do with the other)
- I am totally confused by the 'Hint' line
- it seems to be telling me that dropbox has a more up-to-date version from this machine (LATITUDE) than the version that is on the machine itself, which doesnt make sense to me [see post #2, apparently it's telling me the opposite]
Any help/advice much appreciated