Submitted by Armando on 2016/12/07 10:48
Conditional formatting equations have become case sensitive and many equation (100?) aren't working.
Noticed it 2 weeks ago but didn't have the time to look at it. Now on a project where colors are of great importance (make difference between citations, excerpts, references, key workds, ...), and after much pondering and testing, I discovered the case sensitivity problem.
E.g.: operators (AND/OR) became sensitive. 
I don't know exactly when that happened, it wasn't like that before. If you need more details, please say!
P.S: Conditional formatting is very important to me. My organizational system is partly based on colors and so I'm  lost without it -- at least partially. I'm making this clear as it can be seen as cosmetic, but it's absolutely not. It isn't about making stuff pretty, but about differentiating between data types and states. 


Hi Armando,
It's been like this for some time (case sensitivity) and is spelled out as such in the documentation Conditional Formatting

Important Notes Concerning Conditional Formatting


  1. Conditional format "Criteria" can be for any field types:  Y/N, Numeric, Text and Date Fields
    (If it's a Y/N (Boolean) Field, then  the condition is  =<>0 for Y and  =0 for N.)
  2. If a columns format is conditioned by another column, both need to be present in the grid for the formatting to happen. The column width can be set to 0 or even hidden if desired
  3. The criteria can include more than 1 field, such as [Amount] >100 and [PaidBy] = "Credit"
  4. Operators need to be in lower case (e.g.: and, not AND)
  5. Fields need to be enclosed in "[ ]" (e.g.:  [Field] )
  6. Text criteria are case sensitive. If you want case insensitive, use the "lower" function (e.g. lower([Notes]) = "work" will match both "Work" and "work"). See Conditional Formatting Reference
  7. To match text anywhere in the text field, use the "contains" keyword instead of "=" (e.g.  lower([Notes]) contains "work" will also match "some work left to do")
In v88, I'm converting all "AND OR NOT" to "and or not". That should help. Coming out today if all goes well
IQ Designer


2016/12/07 22:47

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I'm pretty sure some formatting was working. Anyway, it doesn't matter.
I wonder how could the conditional formatting "rules" be simplified -- at least  these case sensitivity conventions.
IQ geek
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz