The sluggishness I'm experiencing has been around since v90 or 89 I think. I just didn't have the time to post about it. Focus has seen improvements, but it's still shaky.
- When several grids are loaded (let's say more than 10, but on autohide, so only a few are really visible), IQ becomes sluggish : switching grids and creating items is slow.
And then focus becomes a problem.
It's not a show stopper, but it's serious enough to slow me down and be afraid of loosing stuff.
Because the focus change isn't reliable enough and becomes slower, I often mistakenly delete or paste stuff in the wrong items, in other panes, while trying to work in others. Especially when working in *panes inside tabs* -- there, the focus always wants to come back to the tab's "master grid" (that grid where all other panes are "pasted").
(Even the add item dialog it can be sluggish for many seconds while I'm typing a note.)
Since I can't unload grids in pane (I don' want to close them as they serve as very convenient place holders/reminder in my new setup), the workaround is to periodically close IQ when I need to work on a new project.
Restarting IQ unloads the loaded grids in panes, and I can then work with better performance... until I need to open other grids.
- The performance and focus (maybe related) issue seems to be caused by other grids (or something else) refreshing every time an event happens in a grid.
I understand that I might be one of the few with this problem as I'm using the new UI capabilities extensively, have a bigger DB, bigger grids, etc.
(Other performance issues regarding equations etc. aren't back though, so that's good!)
P.S. I'm not sure what the background calculation option does in the "options", but it doesn't seem to make any difference here. I tried that, hoping that would have some effect, but... no.