Submitted by Tom on 2017/02/24 05:28
Mundane stuff again, but handicaps a lot.
EDIT// The Control key works to select non-contiguous items when clicking in the # column. //EDIT
Using the Control key to select multiple items (in item column) is not working here (normally used for selecting non-contiguous items or cells).
When I Ctrl-click the second item or cell, the first is deselected.
I'm sure this used to work, didnt it? or am I getting mixed up with excel ?
Either way, I still find it a handicap not being able to select items thus.
tested on:
sample file
IQ portable 91c
Win.7 x64


I [re?]-discovered that:
The Control key works to select non-contiguous items when clicking in the # column.
This is great -- but of course ideally it would also work when selecting in the item column, and in any other cells too

It's also in my "bug" list. Didn't have the time to mention it.
The # column can be used for that (it's the "official way"), but it also used to work when clicking elsewhere, when the mouse cursor looks either like a caret or the arrow... can't remember which one as it became kind of automatic.
That said, you can still multi select non contiguously by waiting just a bit longer when you click (ctrl+click, and wait 0.5s with the button pressed); a bit weird/unintuitive, but it works -- if you're not in a hurry.
Probably changed when features for "touch"/tactile devices were added.

Fixed in v92 !
IQ Designer


2017/02/24 12:58

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Fixed in v92 !
[/quote] thanks Pierre !