Submitted by gregory on 2017/06/16 00:45
Concerning hyperlinks to grids:
  1. A hyperlink to a grid does not open the grid, which is what I would hope for. Instead it opens the Scratch grid. The hyperlink was created using the [gridName] syntax.
  2. The Links grid is present in my standard IQbase. However, it contains very few items and I can't work out what appears there and why.
Mark GREGORY, Hull, England- GMT +0/+1; EST +5


David_H Wrote:
Strange, hyperlinks to grids open the corresponding grids for me, whether I enter them in the Item field or the HTML pane.  So you're using hyperlinks in the item area and just inserting the grid name, i.e. "inbox" or whatever?  

 Hi Mark,
You're probably not using the right "syntax"?
You don't need to use [ ]. This is for fields.


2017/06/20 07:38

In reply to by Armando

You're right again, Armando (aren't you always? )
I had misread the manual text at 8. Linking (node 115), which says:
3- in-cell Hyperlinks:
manually add one of the the following:
Item ID, File Path, Web Address/URL, Grid, Field (in [square] brackets) or Wikitag (in {fancy} brackets).
Putting the grid name in square brackets [] opens the Scratch grid. But that syntax is required for field names, not grid names.
Simply right-clicking a field which contains a grid name and then, in the resulting dialogue, typing the grid name into the area labelled "File, URL, Grid, [Field], {WikiTag} or item IDs (comma separated)" works fine: clicking on the now-underlined field opens the grid.
Mark GREGORY, Hull, England- GMT +0/+1; EST +5