Submitted by Tom on 2017/10/20 07:42
No idea what's going on here -- I can find a file and get it to show in correct grid (via search), but as soon as I remove the hoist it disappears.
at least half user error:
the 'Files' item had a space before the text in the 'Project' field (not sure why it was shown as being in the relevant grid at all - it must have been in there 'properly' at some stage -- Pierre, feel free to delete this thread if you want)
I search for the item 'Files' because I cant find it in the 'Magheracar' grid where it's supposed to be.
I find the item via search, and click on the link to the 'Magheracar' grid --
it shows hoisted in the corrected grid:
I remove the hoist and it disappears:
(if I fully expand item 'Budget', the item 'Files' still not there.)
Could this be to do with the source? -- it's the first time I've used a more complex source.
There also is a problem with the PopUp (not showing anything) for the field 'Project', which may be related -- I can add info in a following post.


> There also is a problem with the PopUp (not showing anything) for the field 'Project', which may be related.
That 'Project' field should have had 'Auto-list of values' selected in the properties 'editor' section, but had 'List of items popup' selected -- without any added list. I corrected this, restarted IQ, but that made no difference to the above problem.

Next time, perhaps use Live Search to find your item. It would have saved you quite a bit of time and grief !
IQ Designer

the problem was not finding the item -
the problem was:
when I clicked on the grid link shown in the Livesearch tab, it showed in that grid hoisted -- when I removed the hoist, it disappeared from that grid. This naturally confused me a lot.
It happened because the source of that grid filtered for Project='#Magheracar' but there was a space before the # in that particular item.
It presumably fit the source at some stage, otherwise that grid would not have been given as a link in the 'shown in' column...
Hope that clarifies things.


2017/10/20 18:40

In reply to by Tom

Hi Tom,
Understood. Live Search can also help you generate the proper source. When in Live-Search:
  • Select the field to search
  • In the options dropdown (right of the Show Item button), select Live-Search Output. It will open the Search grid (or the current grid) with a proper source, such as (WIKITag ALIKE '%{IQ}%')
IQ Designer