Submitted by Armando on 2018/01/29 16:03
A- In the new item/clipper dialog, the item text box VS HTML text box proportions aren't always kept 
1- Invoke the add item/clipper dialog
2- make the HTML bottom part visible it if wasn't ** 
3- resize the main text box (item field) with alt+down/up arrows, 
4- enter something and add it to the DB,
5- Reinvoke the clipper/add item dialog (Win+N) : the proportions aren't kept. Top part comes back to initial size, HTML part is now bigger.
Would it be possible to make those proportions stick?
Other aspects/small glitches to consider:
- If the "HTML" part is hidden (click on the HTML button) and then shown, the upper text box is reshrinked to its initial values.
- If the whole dialog was slightly expanded while the HTML part was hidden, and then the HTML part is shown again, it usually won't occupy the whole bottom of the dialog.
**When the HTML part is hidden, the top text box will keep its size when the clipper is reinvoked.
B- Invoking the dialog through global shortcuts (Win+N) makes the dialog appear, but it doesn't have the focus. (Also mentioned it there : New Item dialog small issues )


Some related cosmetic suggestions to improve readability/usability.
(Edit : Precision for #1 : I understand that when the top text box isn't vertically expanded, the empty space at the left of the buttons is used by the URL text box, but it's not always the case anymore. So, instead, the top text box (item) could be higher by default and equal the total height taken by the three first buttons, and the URL textbox could be beside "HTML")
And this is one of the glitches I mentioned :

Confirmed. It will be part of v108
Thanks for your detailed report Armando
IQ Designer


2018/02/18 17:38

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 Hi Pierre, 
Those problems are still there, but I suspect it's due to the pre-release status of V108.
-> I also want to bring to your attention that invoking the dialog through global shortcuts (Win+N) makes the dialog appear, but it doesn't have the focus.
(Tom mentioned that in some other thread -- can't remember where but if I find it, I'll link it here.)
Edit 2018-02-18  17:40 : I actually also mentioned it there : New Item dialog small issues
Edit : added to first post

Fixed in v108Pre4 !
IQ Designer


2018/03/09 12:50

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Fixed in v108Pre4 !
IQ Designer
issues remaining:
1- HTML part still has "priority" over the top item text box : as soon as the HTML part is expended, resized, etc., the next time the dialog is recalled, the item part comes back to its shrank state
2- Closing and reopening the HTML part seems to erase its content -- at least that's what it looks like. Didn't do extensive tests.
(3- Other stuff like buttons and URL textbox that shouldn't probably expand all the way to the dialog side, etc. : already mentioned)
Edit : this is also still true : "invoking the dialog through global shortcuts (Win+N) makes the dialog appear, but it doesn't have the focus."
The only time it has the focus is if IQ already has the focus (instead of some other app), or if IQ is minimized in the tray (through some other apps -- like Actual Windows Manager)
Thanks again.