I have come across two different errors.
1. As I am entering data in the grid and press the tab key to advance to the next cell of the grid advancement does not happen. I am not in the Item grid cell when I press the tab key. By pressing the tab key the cursor ends up in the HTML editor pane and not the next cell.
2. I have noticed that when IQ crashes. None of the work I had done before the crash is save on the first grid tab. Most all of the data that is imputed on the other tabs is saved just not the first tab.
insertedcontained or enclosed in specific grids -- grids are filtering devices showing subsets of your data. Well, mostly -- grids can also assign specific data to items, etc. But it's better to think of them as viewing/filtering interfaces. [And they're also used to insert data into the database, obviously... As you can write data in grids.]