Submitted by Tom on 2018/05/30 13:59
I dont want to sort all sub-items -- just a subset of them.
Requesting a 'Sort selected' option (ideally available in the context menu).
I dont think that can be done?
Maybe it's getting too complicated -- sort by what?
I'd be happy with a simple A-Z ascending/descending as per sub-items sort.


Isn't there already a 'Sort sub-items Ascending'  and a 'Sort sub-items Descending' in the context menu when you right click on an item in a grid?
One work around could be to 'Cut' the items you don't want to sort.  Sort the sub-items.  Then 'Paste' back the items you cut from the list earlier.
I think the program is already too complicated without adding even more options.


2018/05/31 04:40

In reply to by Paul_J_Miller

Isn't there already a 'Sort sub-items Ascending'  and a 'Sort sub-items Descending' in the context menu when you right click on an item in a grid?[/quote]
yes, I mention it in my post
[quote=Paul_J_Miller]One work around could be to 'Cut' the items you don't want to sort.  Sort the sub-items.  Then 'Paste' back the items you cut from the list earlier.[/quote]
thanks, that got me thinking of an easier workaround, for me at any rate. Note I mostly want to do this with adjacent items, often newly pasted in IQ. Workaround would be to create a new sibling; select the items I want to sort; move them 'below' the new sibling in the outline (using Alt+Arrow-keys). Then sort them using 'sort sub-items'. Then move them back.
This can be done quite quickly.
[quote=Paul_J_Miller]I think the program is already too complicated without adding even more options.[/quote]
In the context of sorting, this would be a logical and helpful addition. It's an easy option to understand (a feature I use in Excel), and would be added to the sort sub-menu under the Grids menu. So I would not see it as complicating things, even for a new user.
Adding to the context menu could require a sort sub-menu, or, if not added there I personally would give it a shortcut for ease of use.
So I think it would add to the programme, but happy enough with the workaround above.


2018/05/31 10:11

In reply to by Tom

Your solution is probably the easiest at this point.
Just in case you didn't notice, you can "sort sub-items" using any field by putting the focus on a specific column/field.
I use the the ctrl+shift+arrow (up-down) to do that quickly