Submitted by jimspoon on 2018/08/16 19:52
I opened a iq db on my desktop, and then opened the same iq db on the laptop, over a network connection.
Working on the desktop, I added some columns to a grid.  Then, working on the laptop, I refreshed the same grid to get the new columns to show.  The new grid columns were not displayed on the laptop.
I tried closing and reopening the grid, both on the desktop and laptop.  Then I tried shutting down and restarting IQ, both on desktop and laptop.  Still the grid on the laptop does not display the columns I added to the grid on the desktop.
However, the values I put into the new columns on the desktop, did show up on the laptop, in Properties Pane > Item Info > Values.
Shouldn't the new columns display on the laptop after I refresh the grid?
Thanks for any help.