Submitted by WayneK on 2018/11/09 13:13
When I click on the item column header to do a sort, it either:
1) Selects all the items in the column (what I want). or
2) Moves the next column over so it's now to the left of the item column (not what I want).
If I continue clicking on the header, it randomly selects all the items or continues moving more columns to the left.
Could someone explain what's going on?


Hi Wayne,
I tried to reproduce it but did not succeed... it works fine here.
Your sort setting is set to None I suppose
Can you provide a screenshot showing the columns and display options ?
IQ Designer

Was unable to recreate it.  The problem has recurred several times over the past week but then goes away.  I've had several other odd-behavior problems come and go but not enough to worry about.
While clicking repeatedly on the header all 400+ items in the grid disappeared.  Took me quite a while to figure out that I must have clicked on an item while all items were selected, and the entire list of items was moved underneath that item.
I thought "Journal" was set up to display all items but I guess not.  How do I set up a grid to display every item in the database?  I tried using "itemcreated" as the source but that didn't work.
Thanks, Wayne


2018/11/10 18:04

In reply to by WayneK

Hi Wayne
leave the source blank to show all items -- can be problematic though if you have a lot of items: if possible use the date filter to limit the number of items shown, and then clear the source field.
AFAIK the Journal grid normally has empty source field and Date filter activated by default.
EDIT// to be clear:
menu >Grid >Sort >Source Items sort ['split-button' menu item] >Source bar
will show the Source bar -- the Source field there (first one on the left) should be empty.
(Disable the Date Filter to show *all* items.)