Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2019/01/12 17:05
Not sure if this qualifies as a bug, but it does seem somewhat counterintuitive. Or maybe it's meant to work that way. Anyway, I would like to hear your opinions.
Having selected an item that has subitems on two or more levels further down (with everything collapsed), you press Ctrl-Right twice, you unfold any items two levels down, i.e. if any subitems of the selected item have children, then those item's branches are also expanded, i.e. the sub-sub-items there are also shown. However, when you press Ctrl-Left now, the top level is collapsed immediately, i.e. you can see nothing below the selected item anymore. When you expand again to the next level, you can see that the sub-sub-items are still visible, i.e. you didn't collapse the item one level down.
What I would expect to happen is: press Ctrl-Right on level 0 > expand level 1 > press again > expand level 2; then press Ctrl-Left > collapse level 2 > press again >  collapse level 1. This would mean that Ctrl-Left properly reverses the effect of Ctrl-Right.
On the other hand, it might not be what I would like to happen if I hadn't just pressed Ctrl-Right several times. I mean that after pressing Ctrl-Right twice to expand two levels, I would like 2x Ctrl-Left to reverse that. On the other hand, when I've been doing something else and, say, have just been moving around the grid with the cursor keys and press Ctrl-Left, I would certainly want it to collapse only the level I have selected, like it does at the moment, and not somewhere further down, affecting subitems that may not even be visible on the current page.
Not sure if I've made myself plain enough...


Hi !
Perfectly clear indeed...
I had forgotten that expanding an item repeatedly expanded sub / sub-sub items. I guess this was added as a convenience to users, but I never use it...
Someone (perhaps Paul), recently asked for a command to toggle the expand state. Makes sense and may eventually replace the separate commands to expand  and collapse 
IQ Designer