I'd appreciate help.
I'm using InfoQube 0.9.113 (2019-05-22).
Based on InfoQube information that some characters (. | ^* ? ! ' " [ ]) aren't allowed for grid names, I tried to create grids starting with _ and #, which are supposedly allowed:
a) For grids/fields starting with _ (e.g. _test), always I create or try to open a grid based on a filter "yes/no" field, the grid presents the error message:
"Error opening grid. Check grid source criteria"
I closed/reopened InfoQube many times, and the issue is still there.
I recorded this screencast detailing the issue with the tests I performed: http://bit.ly/2wk1zj4
What could be going wrong with grid/fields starting with _?
b) For grids/fields starting with # (e.g. #test) there is no grid error, but InfoQube doesn't list the fields starting with # as well. The fields aren't presented later in the "add column" dialog or in the "field properties".
I recorded this screencast detailing the issue with the tests I performed: http://bit.ly/2wfeUJo
What could be going wrong with grid/fields starting with #?
=> EDITED (2019-05-24_18-17) => I just realized that grids created having # prefix are associated with TAGs (instead of fields). And fields created with prefix # are enclosed by InfoQube into brackets [#field name]. So no need of answer for (b).
c) I'm trying to create grid/fields with prefix _ and # in order "user created fields" be easily identified, also being listed first, for instance in "add column" dialog.
Since prefix # becomes enclosed into brackets [#field name] I will avoid naming fields with it. Also avoiding _ for now because of the mentioned issues.
Is there any recommended prefix to be used in fields aiming easy identification and sorting first?
d) Besides the use of a prefix, is there any other way to identify/list all user create fields?
Thank you!