Submitted by carloscadu on 2019/05/30 09:54
I'd appreciate your help.
I could set through field properties the fields I want to "include in new grids" (snapshot below).
However, when I create a new grid the fields are put - automatically - in a column order that doesn't fit my needs.
How to create a default grid template also including the column order?
Thanks for the assistance,


This is covered by answers in your other threads.  Jim's suggestion is probably the simplest and best:
1) Create a new grid (eg "Template-1") that you keep empty (no items assigned).
2) When you want to create a new grid using the same column set up:
   a) Open grid template (eg Template-1)
   b) Grid>Save As>[enter new grid name]
   c) Add items to your new grid and use normally
Create as many template as you want, and follow above to create new grids based on whichever template suits your purpose.