Submitted by carloscadu on 2019/07/18 09:29

I'd appreciate advice. I've been highlighting a lot clipped webpages in InfoQube Doc pane.
I intend just select+highlight text, but many times I end up - not intentionally - messing with webpages layout and other elements.
=> Is there any way to highlight in Doc pane when in Browse mode? As an analogy, it would be like highlighting directly in the browser (Chrome, Firefox) using highlighting tools like Diigo, Liner, etc. No interference in content, just text selection, and highlighting.
=> Or when in Edit mode, is it possible to lock all editing possibilities except the highlighting of text background and color?
If not possible, I would make these suggestions for future implementation. 
Thank you very much,


Hi Carlos,
This isn't possible at the moment. I'll put it on the wish list
IQ Designer