Submitted by jimspoon on 2019/09/09 22:04
I research many different topics and I like to save links to the pages I visit, so I can go back to them later.
Tabs Outliner is a good Chrome extension for arranging and saving tabs.   Here's my latest browsing session on my laptop:
With Tabs Outliner, I can use outliner-type keyboard shortcuts (ctrl+arrow keys) to arrange these bookmarks by outline topic:
But really, Tabs Outliner is too limited for what I want to do.
I use another program called Linkman which great.  There are browser extensions that allow me to bookmark all my tabs to the database.  I can save all my bookmarks to a linkman database that is synced via OneDrive.  Here's a screenshot of the same browser session:
I can do a lot with the bookmarks in Linkman, but it has a lot of limitations.  It has some strange quirks, like I can't select non-continuguous bookmarks using Ctrl+up/down.  Nor can I use Ctrl+arrow keys to rearrange bookmarks.  And the search is weird, I can't search for bookmarks by "Date Added".  Development seems to have ceased, and an email got no reply.
So where do these bookmarks REALLY belong for me?  INFOQUBE, of course!  Right now I'm exporting the bookmarks from Linkman using a tab-separated values file - Linkman's export functions are not the greatest or the easiest - but Infoqube does a great job of importing the TSV data.  Once into Infoqube, I can do all kinds of things with them.  The whole process is pretty complicated and not ideal perhaps a better solution will come around one day.