Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2019/10/10 05:04
When I create a new item and drag /drop it back and forth from one grid to another, at some point it turns blue and is left without any values showing in the properties pane. It will disappear on refreshing the grid and can now only be found through (orphan) search. Sometimes it happens on the first drag, sometimes maybe on the fourth or fifth attempt, but it does happen reliable here on Version 0.9.114f.


Hi Left,
I was not able to reproduce it but did make a change in how fields are assigned during drag-drop. Check v114g to be released soon and report back.
Thanks for this bug report
p.s. The item can still be found using (1) any of its field-values, (2) item tags, (3) in the Journal grid and (4) Live-Search.
In InfoQube, items are never "orphans", they "exist", period.
IQ Designer


2019/10/11 03:56

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Sorry you couldn't reproduce, I should have been more thorough. Turns out this only happens when one of the grids in the dragging back and forth process is my Action grid. The action field has these two auto-assign rules, which I assume are the culprit:
When I temporarily deleted these rules, the problem went away. So in this case the rules seem to interfere with the drag and drop process.
During the process I noticed that the Properties pane wasn't always updated correctly, e.g. when dragging from a checkmark grid to a date grid, the 'values' section would show two "values" rather than one: the set date value for the target grid plus an empty checkbox for the source grid.
Also, many thanks for the update!


2019/10/12 18:41

In reply to by LeftEccoForIQ

Ugh, this is worse than I thought. I after adding back those two rules, just now when I dragged one item from the grid with the rules to another, a whole bunch of 20+ items in the source grid became orphaned (they disappeared from that grid and now have no remaining value but the item text). Had to remove the rules again.
Another thing I'm having problems with is selecting multiple items and deleting them entirely with option 1. Often, only the first item will be deleted, then when I try again with the remaining selection, none will be deleted. Ultimately, I have to delete them one by one.


2019/10/12 18:49

In reply to by LeftEccoForIQ

What version are you seeing this ?
Can you provide either a screen-cast or reproduce it in the sample database ? 
I've never seen that...
IQ Designer