Pierre, could you make it so wrapping occurs inside words for single-line calendar events?
To make myself plain, say, I have my calendar open in 7-day view and the width per day allows just over characters to be visible per line. For All-day (and Unscheduled?) events, only one line is displayed, which can make things difficult.
Say, I have birthday entries for three Sebastians entered as all-day events. With line-wrapping as it is, all three will display only 'Sebastian', the surname is broken into the next line (which is hidden). If it could be done, It would be rather helpful if (at least for events that only show one line of text) instead they showed Sebastian Mil / Sebastian Smi etc. as that first line. Also sometimes, I like to add GTD context indicators as single letters at the beginning of the name of appointments, something like 'w Mittagessen' for lunch at work but then the calendar only shows 'w' for all w(ork) events where the 'w' is followed by a lengthy word.