Submitted by WayneK on 2020/04/17 14:21
Minor suggestion.
Could we have more options for the expand/collapse buttons?
I have trouble clearly seeing which items have subitems.
The best option for visibility is the triangle.  I don't understand why the color changes from black to light gray when a header is collapsed.  This is counter-intuitive since it's more important to see it when the outline is collapsed than expanded (the latter condition is obvious!)  With gray rows, the light gray triangle is hard to see.
So it would be an improvement to just make the triangles stay black .
More options would be welcome.  I'm not sure what.  Maybe size (small/med/large) and color?


Hi Wayne,
You can choose the expand button type in Tools > Options > Other
In addition, you can customize these by editing the open1 / close1, open2 / close2 and open3 / close3 icon files. IconEditor is a good icon editor. Last free version avail here.
BTW, the grey vs black colors mimic Windows 10 Explorer... 
IQ Designer


2020/04/17 14:55

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Yes, I know about the option settings.  That's why I said the triangle is the best option.  But did not know about the Icon option so I will check that out.


2020/04/17 18:18

In reply to by WayneK

Great question, Wayne. I became intrigued, created these two and quite like the green '+', but the diagonals on the blue 'x' are very pixelated so I may have to think of something better, maybe just a red '-'. Or maybe differently coloured triangles would be best. Visibility is greatly enhanced, though, for those past 60... Sorry, the background colour doesn't serve very well here.
I can upload / send if anyone wants them.


2020/04/17 20:49

In reply to by LeftEccoForIQ

Yes, I would be interested in what you have.  Thanks.
I want the symbols to be easily visible but not garish or domineering.  Also, not too big since horizontal space is tight.
The triangle really isn't bad if it just wouldn't fade to gray in the collapsed state.  The same size/shape in dark blue or green might work.

Size is limited to 16x16 anyway, so there's not much to do wrong. I like these really well now with unfolded nodes slightly bolder and in red.