Submitted by carloscadu on 2020/05/21 10:23
I perused every category/command looking for the assignment of ALT+A, and couldn't find it.
However, when I try to customize a command shortcut by assign ALT+A, IQ informs it is in use. 
Is there an assignment to ALT+A that is not listed on Grid's Customize>Keyboard? Or is it a bug? 


Alt+A is used in the new item dialogue to confirm item creation [ Add Item ]
Wouldnt have thought that should tie it up, but maybe...
Just remembered, in the main menu:
Tools >Keyboard Shortcuts >View all shortcuts
produces a tab seperated file you can open in spreadsheet programme.
Alt+A is listed as "Cu&t"
Not sure what that is...


2020/05/21 16:16

In reply to by Tom

Just remembered, in the main menu:
Tools >Keyboard Shortcuts >View all shortcuts
produces a tab seperated file you can open in spreadsheet programme.
Thanks for the tip @Tom!

Hi !
Good catch. It was assigned to an unused command (Select  All Items). I fixed it in the next version
IQ Designer