Submitted by jelphd on 2020/07/01 13:01
As a newbie to InfoQube, I'm still grappling with all the great functionality and how to use it. Normally, when I'm lost, I read the manual and search on the forum. However, I've run into a filtering issue and can't find the solution.
I've created a grid for imported emails. I plan to process the information in the email and add it to my slip box (I'm also new to the slip box so there's been a lot of trial and error). Once I've processed the email, I will check the "Processed?" field to indicate that the information in the email has been processed. I want to filter out the emails that have been processed. When I use the column filter drop down and select blank, the filtering works. However, when I use the filtering cell in the Manage Grid properties the processed emails still show. I've used different syntax, including Processed = 0, Processed is null, Not IsChecked([Processed]), and a few others that I'm not remembering. Nothing worked. 
Then, I created a new database with the sample data to see if the filtering in the Inbox grid (done is null) worked. It doesn't appear to be working because there's a record with done = 10/30/2009, which conflicts with the filter.
I've read through the documentation and past forum posts and don't understand why the grid filter doesn't work. It's not a big deal because the column filter remains when I open and close the grid, but I'd like to use the grid properties filter in the future, particularly when using multiple filters.
Just in case it has something to do with my PC setup, I have a Surface Pro 2017 i7, Windows 10 version 2004. and 16 GB RAM. I'm using InfoQube version 0.9.115h.
Any help or advice would be appreciated.


Hi Jonathan,
First a warm welcome from the IQ community !
If you can provide a screen shot that would help.
In the meantime, a shortcut to using the manage grid dialog is to show the Source bar (Grid > Source bar, or click on the folder icon on the top left of the grid)
There you have access to the grid source and filter
The following filter should work: [Processed] is null
Change it and hit Enter
Keep in mind that by-design, changing the Processed status will not immediately hide the item. Press F5 to refresh
IQ Designer


2020/07/06 17:39

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 Hi Pierre,
Thanks for the prompt reply. I'm using the the column filtering as you suggested, but was confused by the problem. I've done quite a bit of software testing, so I wouldn't be surprised if the problem was bcc (between the computer and the chair).
I've attached five images to help show the variation. The first image (UnfilteredInbox) shows the two items in the inbox grid without any filter. One of them has a check in the Processed? field and the other doesn't. This is before I've added any filters The second image (UsingColumnFilter) shows the grid using the column filter dropdown. This filter works. I removed the column filter and then added the filter to the grid properties (UpdatedFilterinGridProperties). In this screenshot, I used the same command that the column filter used and the filter didn't work (ViewwithFilteredGridProperty). I also tried [Processed] is null (ProcessedisnullGridProperties) and still no filter. I tried f5, closing the Inbox grid and re-opening it, and exiting InfoQube and re-opening it and still Grid Property filter didn't work. 
I should note that Processed field's label is "Processed?", but the field name is Processed and it's a yes/no field.
Thanks in advance!
P.S. This is an impressive piece of software. I learned about it through Paul Miller's blog and I'm happy I did. I'm using it for a slip box and every day I think of a new requirement and find it in the system without having to recommend it!


2020/07/06 21:38

In reply to by jelphd

Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for the detailed images.
The filter in grid properties is more informational than anything else. The filter may be off and it would still show. Perhaps, I should set it as read-only and point users to user to use the source bar:
Enter [Processed] is null in the filter text box (middle one) and ensure the filter is on (click on the "funnel" icon to show the dropdown menu and select Filter ON
See Source Filter Editbox for details
IQ Designer


2020/07/07 13:36

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 Thanks, Pierre. That helps.

Hi !
In v116Pre3:
  • Change: Manage Grids: Grid filter and sort are no longer shown, as it was a very incomplete picture of the current grid filter and sort
To set grid filters and sort, use the grid UI (Source bar, Alpha filter, Date filter, Hoist, Grid and Column, Sort / Group bar, ...)
IQ Designer