Submitted by gunars on 2020/08/20 19:23
Here is a formatting problem I came across in 0.9.115, but is still present:
1) Enter a new text-only item with "abcde".
2) While still in edit mode, select the text.
3) Press the Font button - it was at default Segoe UI 9 pt in 115, but now is blank.
4) Select Calibri 12 pt and press OK.
5) Press Font button again (text is still selected). It comes up blank again (Segoe UI 9 pt in 115) and the item now contains:
This is using the portable version in both cases.
In 116 pre 6, I also noticed the scroll bar for the font selector has changed behavior when I click in the space between the slider and the arrow at the end.  It used to (I think) page down in the list, but now scrolls down all the way to the cursor click position.