Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/03/20 19:27
user has item in grid 1
user <ctrl> drag / drop item into grid 2
user marks item in grid 2 as pending
user goes to GTD gird that includes source 'pending'
item appears in GTD as pending, however
context parent for item is from grid 1, i.e. the original item, not the copy which was marked pending
the problem with this is that the context parent will not explain the pending item in the GTD grid
both full hierarchy & context parents are checked off
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


1- I hope you understand that ctrl drag&Drop does not copy per se but, allows an item to have several parents (hence, the same item can appear in different hierarchies).
To copy, you need to use the copy/paste function (then choose whether you want XML or tab delimited)
2- Context parents only show the item's main parent. If you want to change the context parent's value, you need to change the main parent,s value. You Can do that in the properties pane, in the parent section. right click on the parent you want as main parent, and select "set as main parent".
This could all be better -- Ui wise, I guess. But it's kinda hard to solve all complexities linked to the ability of having multiple parents.


2009/03/21 07:54

In reply to by Armando

1- I hope you understand that ctrl drag&Drop does not copy per se but, allows an item to have several parents (hence, the same item can appear in different hierarchies). [snip]
2- Context parents only show the item's main parent. If you want to change the context parent's value, you need to change the main parent,s value. You Can do that in the properties pane, in the parent section. right click on the parent you want as main parent, and select "set as main parent"..
Thanks Amando.  I will try this; it  should work for me. It's probably true that I could set my grids / data input differently to avoid this situation. I'll have to think about it some more.

I really enjoy the *idea* of what IQ can do w data but it is so *damned* techie @ the moment, it's frustrating for boneheads like me.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1