Unread post "New" tag failing

Submitted by Tom on 2021/03/24 09:19

New site looks great Pierre. I prefer to see you working on IQ rather than the site, but hopefully this an easy fix:

Logged in and looking at recent posts:

New posts in Books (or is it just new posts from you?) show a red text "New" tag in the recent posts page. (See first image)

New posts in forums don't show a New tag (again, your forum posts may have a New tag -- I'll keep an eye out. I see an "Updated" tag on a forum post from you in first screenshot.)

Top thread in second image should have a New tag but doesn't.



Hi Tom,

Indeed, there are a fairly large number of issues yet to be resolved with the new website.

The "Home" page shows all updates with the red flag but is missing the last comment information

The forum "Updates" page has the last comment info but no red flags


Site Suggestions, Improvements