Using 0.9.24 v3 - I can insert a link from an Outlook 2007 message by draging it into the Hyperlink drop zone.
But how can I open that linked message from within IQ ?
The Lineage shows the inserted link but clicking on the inserted link does nothing.
Also clicking on the item "link to your outlook inbox" from the sample db does nothing.
Am I missing something ?
- Yes, that's what I see.
1. it seems that Outlook is not processing the link correctly.
- Correct
2. Can you get this to work in other apps?
- (Since IQ has no link yet to Thunderbird), I've only started up OutLook 2007 last week.
Yesterday I tried to install OutlookLinker from Teamscope which I used (before switching to Thunderbird) to link OL2003 to Ecco1994 :-) and it didn't work either.
Seems like an OL problem.
Any ideas on fixing this one ?
3. If you put the link in IE, does it work
- not sure I understand what you mean by putting the link in Internet Explorer