Submitted by viking on 2021/12/28 04:41

I am sorry if is already possible to do this (I have not found it in the manual);

I would like an option to set the column sort to be persistent. If I add a new item, the items would immediately be resorted based on the column value of the new item (possible after hitting refresh - F5).

Currently, I have to manually resort every time after adding an item.


Yes, I have read it. I cannot get the "persistent" column sort to work.
I have sorted the "MyDateCol" in Descending order:
Note the gray sort arrow.

I next add an item, and click F5:

The items are not sorted anymore (and the gray sort arrow is gone).

BTW, when I click on the gray sort arrow, I had expected that the sort order should have been reversed (Ascending instead of Descending). However, nothing happens.

OK, I got it now.

It was not clear to me that I needed to use the Sort Bar to make the sort "persistent".
I am used to Ecco (extension) where I can sort on the Column values, like in IQ, and select "persistent sort" if I wanted it to be persistent.

p.s. Many of my question and confusions come from having used Ecco for 15-20 years, where things are done differently. It takes a lot of effort to try to relearn old engraved habits. It would probably have been easier if I hadn't used Ecco at all...

The Ecco crowd may find it a lot easier to switch if there were comments in the manual that pointed out the difference vs Ecco for several procedures. However, that is a lot of work to add.....
I could help by adding some "Ecco" comments when I come across something. I would suggest something like
Compared with Ecco; xxx.... at the appropriate places?
How do I edit the manual?

Also, the manual is very large and it is often hard to know where to look for information on how to do things (although not in this particular case). In general, searching often doesn't bring me to the right place either.

There is no point adding Ecco references in the documentation as it is abandonware...

Rather, you can create a blog post (or a forum post) and add content to help Ecco user transition to IQ. User Cyganet did that and it is now in the Beginners' guide. Link here : Beginner's Guide (and in this website left navigation pane)

quote// The manual ... it is often hard to know where to look for information on how to do things (although not in this particular case). In general, searching often doesn't bring me to the right place either //quote

I find most efficient to look through the table of contents (or even search within a page where the TOC is visible). But yeah, with details it can be harder.
