Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/03/28 10:02
Suggested option:
Open form (if exists) tied to a grid
The advantage to this is user can have grid with content, i.e. notes or whatever & enter other data like pending, date, etc in form
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


I see... You mean that forms would expand/focus automatically when a grid is opened ? That could be good.
Often though, I need the properties pane to access fields which are used in other grids.
The best of the worlds would be to have a properties pane that can be splitted in different parts so that one doesn't have to scroll up and down, etc.
For instance, I'd realy like to have forms, item info and available fields in 3 different independent "panes" (in relationship to scrolling, especially). One of these panes could automatically switch to a specific form when a particular grid is opened.


2009/03/28 13:16

In reply to by Armando

[ Some of that properties pane stuff (independent sections) has been asked for in Mantis, a while ago. ]


2009/03/28 17:04

In reply to by Armando

Good additions, makes more sense. Thanks.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1