Submitted by WayneK on 2022/07/13 00:46

Find and Filter issue

1) Search for text "mop" in grid using Find and Filter (Current View/Filter by Value/Selected Column/Any Keyword/All levels).

2) Filter fails to find "mop".

3) Expand outline to three levels.

4) Run the exact same search again.  NOW, it finds "mop".

In short, Find and Filter often fails to find a subitem even though search is set to "all levels" and will only find it if the outline is expanded to show the item.

I can't remember when this started but I've encountered it dozens of times back to Pre13, at least.  


Win 10, 120Pre21


Hi Wayne,

Perhaps the grid is not set to auto-update... (so sub-items of collapsed items are not loaded)

It has always been like this: items not loaded in the grid cannot be found by the grid... Other UIs, which find items through database search, do work all the time (e.g. Live-Search)

In the next version, I'll force load all items before filtering

Other possibilities is that the number of items to load exceeds the settings in options (1.2.39) or else the global database option 2.4.1 (Grid auto-update) is off

I changed 1.2.39 setting to 5000.  It didn't work.

My current grid has 1937 items.  Searching with Find and Filter fails at least half the time if the search item is a subitem. 

It just does not work for me and I can't rely on it to find anything.  I'll have to figure out how to use the other search options.  I've just always used column search as my go-to search method.



Bug reports