Join command erases subitems

Submitted by WayneK on 2022/10/29 15:57

Header item on outline level 1

   Sub-header Item on outline level 2

      Multiple sub-Items on outline level 3

If the two items on levels 1 and 2 are joined, all the sub-items on Level 3 are deleted unless the option to delete the original is unchecked. 

99% of the time, I DO want the original deleted, so it was inevitable that the delete option would be checked.  I assumed the sub-items would remain under the new combined header.

I suggest that the "delete original" command be applied only to the actual merged text.  All sub-items of merged text would be moved under the new combined text item.

I'd wager there will be few cases where a user actually wants to merge a header AND delete its subitems.

If it's left as-is, it'd be nice to have a warning pop up before the sub-items are deleted.


Win 10, 120Pre24


Hi Wayne,

I see your point. To be more precise, the sub-items (level 3) are not deleted, they are rather no longer sub-items of the item at level 2 (as it was deleted). So if you search, you will find them and you can move them to be under item 1

I'll improve the join feature to better handle sub-items

