Checking Column Filter Value Checkbox is not Working

Submitted by viking on 2023/07/10 02:40

I have a simple Grid:

 The column for Status is set to "show values in column dropdown filter":


If I check the check-boxes for "Exclude" and "closed", the filter is not working:

If I bring up the Column Filter now, nothing is selected:


After a refresh, I am back to the unfiltered grid.

However, if I check the Exclude checkbox and instead type in Filter For: closed,
then the filter works fine:


Why doesn't the filter work when I check the "closed" checkbox (but only when I type in the value)?



I discovered the cause of the issue. My mouse movements are very sensitive, and the mouse moves away from the "closed" checkbox when I hit Enter. If I try to keep the mouse hovering over the closed checkbox when hitting Enter it works.

Can it be easily fixed so that the mouse does not need to stay over the "closed" checkbox?

I'll see what I can do, but instead of hitting enter, simply click on the grid, or else ensure that the mouse is over the filter list when you hit enter

FYI, no need to click on the checkbox, you can click anywhere in the list item (center of 'closed')

How do I ?